We have strong partners!

EFCI (European Federation of Cleaning Industries)
Established in 1988, the EFCI (European Federation of Cleaning Industries) unifies the representative national professional organisations of the cleaning industry. In addition, the EFCI established a Circle, opened to cleaning contractors and to other organisations active in the industry.
The industrial cleaning sector in Europe represents one of the most important service industries: In economic and labour terms, industrial cleaning represents one of the most dynamic areas of corporate services. More than 139.000 cleaning contractors employ 3.32 million employees in Europe, generating a turnover of 61.5 billion Euros.
KR Viktor Wagner is representing Austria at EFCI as Circle Member.
FIDEN (Fédération Internationale des Entreprises de Nettoyage)
FIDEN was established in 1956 with the aim to offer entrepreneurs in the field of building services an international platform for the exchange of ideas across national borders and to provide a basis for cross-border projects. KR Viktor Wagner has been Vice-President of FIDEN for many years and has contributed significantly to its success.
Euroliance was founded in 1999 with the aim to offer a wide range of building services throughout Europe. With more than 130,000 employees, a turnover in 2009 of over 2.6. billion Euros and an organizational structure with more than 300 European locations, Euroliance is a reliable, financially and organizationally strong business partner.
In addition, Euroliance Limited signed a cooperation agreement with American Building Maintenance Industries Inc. (ABM) in order to offer services throughout the world.
WdF (Wirtschaftsforum der Führungskräfte)
Wirtschaftsforum der Führungskräfte (WdF) is the Austrian Managers Association. WdF is a non-party and independent organization of managers in Austria. It represents the interests of managers in public (politics, the media, business) and wants to offer a networking platform for managers. With more than 2 800 members from all sectors of the business community WdF is the "managers´ voice" covering a broad range of professional interests.
KR Viktor Wagner, owner and CEO of the REIWAG Group is member of the executive committe and chairman of the WdF – Regional Group Vienna.